🔗 Using Magic Link Authentication

Our app integrates magic link authentication using the Auth.js library. This method allows users to log in securely by receiving a magic link in their email.

Let's explore how to implement and use the magic link authentication in our app.

Additional Configuration

Ensure that the sendGridLogin setting is enabled in your settings.js file to use SendGrid for sending magic links. This setting should be set to true.

Check sendGridLogin Setting
1 // In settings.js
2 const config = {
3   ...
4   appInfo: {
5     ...
6     sendGridLogin: true, // Ensure this is true
7     ...
8   },
9   ...
10 };

Prerequisites for NextAuth Configuration

Before implementing Magic Link authentication, ensure that the NEXTAUTH_URL and NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variables are set up in your .env.local file.

Environment Variables Setup
1 // .env.local
2 NEXTAUTH_URL='http://localhost:3000'

The NEXTAUTH_SECRET is a random encrypted key. You can generate any random string for development purposes. This key is crucial for securing sessions and encrypting tokens in your Next.js application.

Ensure these settings are correctly configured to proceed with Magic Link authentication setup. 🚀

Implementing Magic Link Authentication

Example Usage of Magic Link Authentication
1 import { signIn } from 'next-auth/react';
3 const LoginPage = () => {
4   const handleLogin = async (email) => {
5     await signIn('email', { email });
6     alert('Check your email for the magic link!');
7   };
8   return (
9     <div>
10       <h1>Login with Magic Link</h1>
11       <input type='email' placeholder='Enter your email' onChange={(e) => setEmail(e.target.value)} />
12       <button onClick={() => handleLogin(email)}>Send Magic Link</button>
13     </div>
14   );
15 };
⚠️ Note: Don't forget to set up your SendGrid for email functionality. send grid setup
That's it! You can now use magic link authentication in your app. 🚀