🚀Getting Started

Welcome to Shiply documentation! 🎉This guide will help you get up and running with our Next.js boilerplate designed to accelerate the development of SaaS applications using Stripe, MongoDB, and SendGrid.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed and set up:

  1. Node/Bun: Ensure you have Node/Bun installed on your system
  2. Stripe Account: Sign up for a Stripe account if you haven'st already. You will need your Stripe API keys.
  3. MongoDB Database: Have access to a MongoDB database. You can set up a free tier MongoDB Atlas cluster or use your own MongoDB instance
  4. SendGrid Account: Create a SendGrid account to send transactional emails. Obtain your SendGrid API key
Since not all packages have been moved to Bun, Recommend use node!