📋 FAQ Components in Next.js

Explore the usage of the FAQ component to provide answers to frequently asked questions in your Next.js applications.

FAQ Component

The FAQ component is used to display a list of questions and answers. It helps in managing how information is displayed to the user, ensuring a clean and organized UI.

Example FAQ Usage
1 import FAQ from '@/shared/component/FAQ';
3 <FAQ />

FAQ Data Structure

The data for the FAQ is structured in an array of objects, each containing a question and an answer. This makes it easy to add, remove or modify the FAQs as needed.

Example FAQ Data Structure
1 const faqData = [
2   {
3     question: 'What payment methods do you accept?',
4     answer: 'We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.',
5   },
6   // Add more FAQs here
7 ];
Utilize the FAQ component to enhance information delivery and improve user experience in your Next.js projects.🚀